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Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Biotechnologies Microbiennes
LBBM - UAR 3579

publications et brevets 2014

personnel actuellement au LBBM

Sauret C, Severin T, Vetion G, Guigue C, Goutx M, Pujo-Pay M, Conan P, Fagervold SK, Ghiglione J-F (2014) 'Rare biosphere' bacteria as key phenanthrene degraders in coastal seawaters. Environmental Pollution 194:246-253

Genta-Jouve G, Croué J, Weinberg L, Cocandeau V, Holderith S, Bontemps N, Suzuki M, Thomas OP (2014) Two-dimensional ultra high pressure liquid chromatography quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry for semi-targeted natural compounds identification. Phytochemistry Letters 10:318-323

Lami R, Kirchman D (2014) Diurnal expression of SAR11 proteorhodopsin and 16S rRNA genes in coastal North Atlantic waters. Aquat Microb Ecol 73:185-194

Doberva M, Sanchez Ferandin S, Ferandin Y, Intertaglia L, Croué J, Suzuki M, Lebaron P, Lami R (2014) Genome sequence of the sponge-associated Ruegeria halocynthiae strain MOLA R1/13b, a marine Roseobacter with two quorum-sensing-based communciations systems. Genome Announc 2 e00998-14

Doberva M; Sanchez-Ferandin S, Ferandin Y, Intertaglia L, Joux F, Lebaron P, Lami R. Genome Sequence of Maribius sp. strain MOLA 401, a marine Roseobacter with a quorum sensing cell-dependent physiology. Genome Announc 2 e00997-14

Bessette S, Fagervold SK, Romano C, Martin D, Le Bris N, Galand PE (2014) Diversity of Bacterial Communities on Sunken Woods in the Mediterranean Sea. J Mar Sci Technol-Taiwan 22:60-66

Bittencourt JAHM, de Oliveira NKS, Cabral MS, Ribeiro JR, Picanço LCS, dos Santos CB, Stien D, Carvalho JCT, Henriques SVC, da Silva JO (2014) Antiophidian activity of Brosimum guianense (aubl) Huber. Am. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol 9:148-156

Fagervold SK, Bourgeois S, Pruski AM, Charles F, Kerhervé P, Vétion G, Galand PE (2014a) River organic matter shapes microbial communities in the sediment of the Rhône prodelta. ISME J 8:2327-2338

Fagervold SK, Romano C, Kalenitchenko D, Borowski C, Nunes-Jorge A, Martin D, Galand PE (2014b) Microbial Communities in Sunken Wood Are Structured by Wood-Boring Bivalves and Location in a Submarine Canyon. PLoS One 9:e96248

Houel E, Rodrigues AMS, Jahn-Oyac A, Bessiere JM, Eparvier V, Deharo E, Stien D (2014) In vitro antidermatophytic activity of Otacanthus azureus (Linden) Ronse essential oil alone and in combination with azoles. J Appl Microbiol 116:288-294

Kalegari M, Bruel Gemin CA, Araujo-Silva G, Neves de Brito NJ, Lopez JA, Tozetto SdO, Almeida MdG, Miguel MD, Stien D, Miguel OG (2014) Chemical composition, antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective potential of Rourea induta Planch. (Connaraceae) against CCl4-induced liver injury in female rats. Nutrition 30:713-718

Kalegari M, Cerutti ML, Macedo-Junior SJ, Bobinski F, Miguel MD, Eparvier V, Soares Santos AR, Stien D, Miguel OG (2014) Chemical composition and antinociceptive effect of aqueous extract from Rourea induta Planch. leaves in acute and chronic pain models. J Ethnopharmacol 153:801-809

Khoury M, El Beyrouthy M, Ouaini N, Iriti M, Eparvier V, Stien D (2014) Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Juniperus excelsa M.BIEB. Growing Wild in Lebanon. Chem Biodiversity 11:825-830

Ancien Personnel du LBBM

Riedel T, Spring S, Fiebig A, Petersen J, Kyrpides NC, Goker M, Klenk H-P (2014) Genome sequence of the exopolysaccharide-producing Salipiger mucosus type strain (DSM 16094(T)), a moderately halophilic member of the Roseobacter clade. Standards in Genomic Sciences 9:1331-1343

Riedel T, Spring S, Fiebig A, Petersen J, Goker M, Klenk H-P (2014) Genome sequence of the pink to light reddish-pigmented Rubellimicrobium mesophilum type strain (DSM 19309(T)), a representative of the Roseobacter group isolated from soil, and emended description of the species. Standards in Genomic Sciences 9:902-913

Riedel T, Fiebig A, Han J, Huntemann M, Spring S, Petersen J, Ivanova NN, Markowitz V, Woyke T, Goker M, Kyrpides NC, Klenk H-P (2014) Genome sequence of the Wenxinia marina type strain (DSM 24838(T)), a representative of the Roseobacter group isolated from oilfield sediments. Standards in Genomic Sciences 9:855-865

Riedel T, Fiebig A, Goker M, Klenk H-P (2014) Complete genome sequence of the bacteriochlorophyll a-containing Roseibacterium elongatum type strain (DSM 19469(T)), a representative of the Roseobacter group isolated from Australian coast sand. Standards in Genomic Sciences 9:840-854

Marcelino Suzuki - 25/02/16

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