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Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Biotechnologies Microbiennes
LBBM - UAR 3579

Publications et brevets 2016

personnel actuellement au LBBM

Al Hafi M, El Beyrouthy M, Ouaini N, Stien D, Rutledge D, Chaillou S (2016) Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Origanum libanoticum, Origanum ehrenbergii, and Origanum syriacum Growing Wild in Lebanon. Chem Biodiversity 13:555-560

Aries MF, Hernandez-Pigeon H, Vaissiere C, Delga H, Caruana A, Leveque M, Bourrain M, Ravard Helffer K, Chol B, Nguyen T, Bessou-Touya S, Castex-Rizzi N (2016) Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of Aquaphilus dolomiae extract on in vitro models. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol 9:421-434

Boeuf D, Lami R, Cunnington E, Jeanthon C (2016) Summer Abundance and Distribution of Proteorhodopsin Genes in the Western Arctic Ocean. Front Microbiol 7:1584

Courtois EA, Dexter KG, Paine CET, Stien D, Engel J, Baraloto C, Chave J (2016) Evolutionary patterns of volatile terpene emissions across 202 tropical tree species. Ecol Evol 6:2854-2864

Fahed L, El Beyrouthy M, Ouaini N, Eparvier V, Stien D (2016) Isolation and characterization of santolinoidol, a bisabolene sesquiterpene from Achillea santolinoides subsp wilhelmsii (K. Koch) Greuter. Tetrahedron Lett 57:1892-1894

Fahed L, Stien D, Ouaini N, Eparvier V, El Beyrouthy M (2016) Chemical Diversity and Antimicrobial Activity of Salvia multicaulis VAHL Essential Oils. Chem Biodiversity 13:591-595

Falkowski M, Jahn-Oyac A, Ferrero E, Issaly J, Eparvier V, Girod R, Rodrigues AMS, Stien D, Houel E, Dusfour I (2016) Assessment of A Simple Compound-Saving Method To Study Insecticidal Activity of Natural Extracts and Pure Compounds Against Mosquito Larvae. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 32:337-340

Galand EP, Lucas S, Fagervold SK, Peru E, Pruski AM, Vetion G, Dupuy C, Guizieni K (2016) Disturbance Increases Microbial Community Diversity and Production in Marine Sediments. Front Microbiol 7:1950

Houel E, Nardella F, Jullian V, Valentin A, Vonthron-Senecheau C, Villa P, Obrecht A, Kaiser M, Bourreau E, Odonne G, Fleury M, Bourdy G, Eparvier V, Deharo E, Stien D (2016) Wayanin and guaijaverin, two active metabolites found in a Psidium acutangulum Mart. ex DC (syn. P. persoonii McVaugh) (Myrtaceae) antimalarial decoction from the Wayana Amerindians. J Ethnopharmacol 187:241-248

Khoury M, Stien D, Eparvier V, Ouaini N, El Beyrouthy M (2016) Report on the Medicinal Use of Eleven Lamiaceae Species in Lebanon and Rationalization of Their Antimicrobial Potential by Examination of the Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Their Essential Oils. Evid-based Complement Altern Med 2016:2547169

Lupette J, Lami R, Krasovec M, Grimsley N, Moreau H, Piganeau G, Sanchez-Ferandin S (2016) Marinobacter Dominates the Bacterial Community of the Ostreococcus tauri Phycosphere in Culture. Front Microbiol 7

Parrot D, Legrave N, Delmail D, Grube M, Suzuki M, Tomasi S (2016) Review - Lichen-Associated Bacteria as a Hot Spot of Chemodiversity: Focus on Uncialamycin, a Promising Compound for Future Medicinal Applications. Planta Med 82:1143-1152

Parrot D, Legrave N, Intertaglia L, Rouaud I, Legembre P, Grube M, Suzuki MT, Tomasi S (2016) Cyaneodimycin, a Bioactive Compound Isolated from the Culture of Streptomyces cyaneofuscatus Associated with Lichina confinis. European Journal of Organic Chemistry:3977-3982

Peyrat LA, Eparvier V, Eydoux C, Guillemot JC, Stien D, Litaudon M (2016) Chemical diversity and antiviral potential in the pantropical Diospyros genus. Fitoterapia 112:9-15

Picanço LCD, Bittencourt J, Henriques SVC, da Silva JS, Oliveira JMD, Ribeiro JR, Sanjay AB, Carvalho JCT, Stien D, da Silva JO (2016) Pharmacological activity of Costus spicatus in experimental Bothrops atrox envenomation. Pharm Biol 54:2103-2110

Rolland JL, Stien D, Sanchez-Ferandin S, Lami R (2016) Quorum Sensing and Quorum Quenching in the Phycosphere of Phytoplankton: a Case of Chemical Interactions in Ecology. J Chem Ecol 42:1201-1211

Roullier C, Bertrand S, Blanchet E, Peigne M, du Pont TR, Guitton Y, Pouchus YF, Grovel O (2016) Time Dependency of Chemodiversity and Biosynthetic Pathways: An LC-MS Metabolomic Study of Marine-Sourced Penicillium. Mar. Drugs 14

Sauret C, Tedetti M, Guigue C, Dumas C, Lami R, Pujo-Pay M, Conan P, Goutx M, Ghiglione J-F (2016) Influence of PAHs among other coastal environmental variables on total and PAH-degrading bacterial communities. Environ Sci Pollut Res 23:4242-4256

Suzuki MT, Parrot D, Berg G, Grube M, Tomasi S (2016) Lichens as natural sources of biotechnologically relevant bacteria. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100:583-595

Ternon E, Zarate L, Chenesseau S, Croue J, Dumollard R, Suzuki MT, Thomas OP (2016) Spherulization as a process for the exudation of chemical cues by the encrusting sponge C-crambe. Sci Rep 6

Vanbellingen QP, Fu TT, Bich C, Amusant N, Stien D, Della-Negra S, Touboul D, Brunelle A (2016) Mapping Dicorynia guianensis Amsh. wood constituents by submicron resolution cluster-TOF-SIMS imaging. J Mass Spectrom 51:412-423

West NJ, Lepere C, Manes C-LdO, Catala P, Scanlan DJ, Lebaron P (2016) Distinct Spatial Patterns of SAR11, SAR86, and Actinobacteria Diversity along a Transect in the Ultra-oligotrophic South Pacific Ocean. Front Microbiol 7


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