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Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Biotechnologies Microbiennes
LBBM - USR3579

Past projects

European FEDER-Region Languedoc Roussillon BIOSEA2 2015-2017 Project: "Design, testing, and qualification of an optimized, modular ballast water treatment system for ships in the global commercial fleet. Additional research on a measuring device." Collaborative research project by LBBM/UPMC (Julia Baudart and Philippe Lebaron) and BIOUV company in Lunel, France.


ANR SECIL 2015-2019 : Study of leaf endophytic fungi: Exploration and valorization of biosourCed Innovative antibacterial metaboLites. An ANR-National Swiss Funds (ANR International) project coordinated by Didier Stien (LBBM/UPMC). Collaborators include French teams from UPS (Joint Research Unit for Evolution and Biological Diversity) and ICSN (Institute of Chemistry of Natural Substances), as well as Swiss teams led by Jean-Luc Wolfender and Karl Perron (University of Geneva).

ANR MALICA 2013-2017 : Marine lichens as an innovative source of anticancer molecules. Coordination by MT Suzuki, collaboration with the PNSCM team (Univ Rennes 1) and IRPF (Toulouse).

ANR RHOMEO 2012-2015 : Proteorhodopsin-containing bacteria in the marine environment. Coordination by MT Suzuki, with R. Lami and C. Jeanthon (Roscoff Biological Station) as CoPIs.

EC2C0 ROSEOCOM 2015-2016: Expression and roles of quorum sensing in Roseobacters from Mediterranean lagoons. Coordinated by R. Lami, in collaboration with Ifremer-Montpellier (Jean Luc Rolland and Delphine Destoumieux Garzon).

EMERGENCE UPMC 2012-2015 : Diversity and expression of quorum-sensing communication modes in the marine environment. Coordinated by R. Lami. M. Doberva's thesis.

CONVERGENCE/Emergence Sorbonne Universités ENDOQUO 2015 : xpression of quorum sensing and biotic interactions in endophytic communities of Mediterranean Posidonia. Coordinated by R. Lami, in collaboration with the National Museum of Natural History (Soizic Prado) and the University Cancer Institute (Alexandre Escargueil).


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