Publications 2020
Personnel currently at the LBBM
Alawad A, Latapie L, Evrard D, Gros P, Istamboulie G, Noguer T, Calas-Blanchard C 2020 SECM for Studying the Immobilization and Repartition of a Redox Anti-tetracycline Aptamer on Screen-printed Carbon Electrodes. Electroanalysis
Amaly N, Istamboulie G, El-Moghazy AY, Noguer T (2020) Reusable molecularly imprinted polymeric nanospheres for diclofenac removal from water samples. J Chem Res:1747519820925998
Andre A, Toure AK, Stien D, Eparvier V (2020) 2,5-diketopiperazines mitigate the amount of advanced glycation end products accumulated with age in human dermal fibroblasts. Int J Cosmetic Sci
Arias MH, Quiliano M, Bourgeade-Delmas S, Fabing I, Chantal I, Berthier D, Minet C, Eparvier V, Sorres J, Stien D, Galiano S, Aldana I, Valentin A, Garavito G, Deharo E (2020) Alsinol, an arylamino alcohol derivative active against Plasmodium, Babesia, Trypanosoma, and Leishmania: past and new outcomes. Parasitol Res 119:3503-3515
Barnier C, Clerissi C, Lami R, Intertaglia L, Lebaron P, Grimaud R, Urios L (2020) Description of Palleronia rufa sp. nov., a biofilm-forming and AHL-producing Rhodobacteraceae, reclassification of Hwanghaeicola aestuarii as Palleronia aestuarii comb. nov., Maribius pontilimi as Palleronia pontilimi comb. nov., Maribius salinus as Palleronia salina comb. nov., Maribius pelagius as Palleronia pelagia comb. nov. and emended description of the genus Palleronia. Syst Appl Microbiol 43
Barthelemy M, Guerineau V, Genta-Jouve G, Roy M, Chave J, Guillot R, Pellissier L, Wolfender JL, Stien D, Eparvier V, Touboul D (2020) Identification and dereplication of endophytic Colletotrichum strains by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry and molecular networking. Sci Rep 10:16
Ben Aissa S, Mastouri M, Catanante G, Raouafi N, Marty JL (2020) Investigation of a Truncated Aptamer for Ofloxacin Detection Using a Rapid FRET-Based Apta-Assay. Antibiotics-Basel 9:16
Bourrain M, Suzuki MT, Calvez A, West NJ, Lions J, Lebaron P (2020) In-depth prospection of Avene Thermal Spring Water reveals an uncommon and stable microbial community. J Eur Acad Dermatol 34:8-14
Brel O, Toure S, Levasseur M, Lechat C, Pellissier L, Wolfender JL, Van-Elslande E, Litaudon M, Dusfour I, Stien D, Eparvier V (2020) Paecilosetin Derivatives as Potent Antimicrobial Agents from Isaria farinosa. J Nat Prod 83:2915-2922
Callewaert C, Helffer KR, Lebaron P (2020) Skin Microbiome and its Interplay with the Environment. Am J Clin Dermatol
Chira M, Rigane G, Calas-Blanchard C, Rouillon R, Salem RB (2020) Phenolic, tocopherols and squalene profiles (HPLC-UV) of Chemlali-Sfax olive oil according to extraction procedure. Rev. Roum. Chim. 65:179-190
Chira M, Rigane G, Ben Salem R, Rouillon R, Calas-Blanchard C (2020) Quick spectrophotometric methods for antioxidant capacity and phenolic compounds determination: Different physico-chemical treatments of Chemlali olive paste. J. Indian Chem. Soc. 97:1539-1547
El-Moghazy AY, Amaly N, Istamboulie G, Nitin N, Sun G (2020) A signal-on electrochemical aptasensor based on silanized cellulose nanofibers for rapid point-of-use detection of ochratoxin A. Microchim Acta 187
Gaillard M, Kanso H, Denat F, Calas-Blanchard C, Inguimbert N, Noguer T (2020) Fe(III)-DOTA/Fe(III)-NOTA Complexes: Attractive Alternative Markers for Future Electrochemical Biosensors. J. Electrochem. Soc. 167:5
Gokce G, Ben Aissa S, Nemcekova K, Catanante G, Raouafi N, Marty JL (2020) Aptamer-modified pencil graphite electrodes for the impedimetric determination of ochratoxin A. Food Control 115
Falkowski M, Jahn-Oyac A, Odonne G, Flora C, Estevez Y, Toure S, Boulogne I, Robinson JC, Bereau D, Petit P, Azam D, Coke M, Issaly J, Gaborit P, Stien D, Eparvier V, Dusfour I, Houel E (2020) Towards the optimization of botanical insecticides research: Aedes aegypti larvicidal natural products in French Guiana. Acta Tropica 201
Gallet A, Koubbi P, Leger N, Scheifler M, Ruiz-Rodriguez M, Suzuki MT, Desdevises Y, Duperron S (2019) Low-diversity bacterial microbiota in Southern Ocean representatives of lanternfish genera Electrona, Protomyctophum and Gymnoscopelus (family Myctophidae). PLoS One 14
Gokce G, Ben Aissa S, Nemcekova K, Catanante G, Raouafi N, Marty JL (2020) Aptamer-modified pencil graphite electrodes for the impedimetric determination of ochratoxin A. Food Control 115
Gu YY, Leng AJ, Zhang WJ, Ying XX, Stien D (2020) A novel alkaloid fromPortulaca oleraceaL. and its anti-inflammatory activity. Nat Prod Res:6
Hayek M, Baraquet C, Lami R, Blache Y, Molmeret M (2020) The Marine Bacterium Shewanella woodyi Produces C-8-HSL to Regulate Bioluminescence. Microb Ecol 79:865-881
Hoang TPT, Barthélemy M, Lami R, Stien D, Eparvier V, Touboul D (2020) Annotation and quantification of N-acyl homoserine lactones implied in bacterial quorum sensing by supercritical-fluid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem
Houël E, Fleury M, Odonne G, Nardella F, Bourdy G, Vonthron-Sénécheau C, Villa P, Obrecht A, Eparvier V, Deharo E, Stien D (2020) Antiplasmodial and anti-inflammatory effects of an antimalarial remedy from the Wayana Amerindians, French Guiana: Takamalaimë (Psidium acutangulum Mart. ex DC., Myrtaceae). J Ethnopharmacol
Joannis-Cassan C, Castillo ASR, Dezani C, Gomez-Canela C, Reoyo-Prats B, Calas-Blanchard C, Barata C, Lacorte S, Plantard G (2020) Towards an innovative combined process coupling biodegradation and photo-oxidation for the removal of pharmaceutical residues. J Chem Techol Biotechnol 96(3):755-763
Khan R, Sherazi TA, Catanante G, Rasheed S, Marty JL, Hayat A (2020) Switchable fluorescence sensor toward PAT via CA-MWCNTs quenched aptamer-tagged carboxyfluorescein. Food Chem 312:126048
Lebaron P (2020) Les eaux thermales : quand minéralité et signature biologique se combinent pour expliquer leurs propriétés: Thermal waters: when minerality and biological signature combine to explain their properties. Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie 147:1S20-21S24
Lima ML, Luis S, Poggio L, Aragones JI, Courtier A, Roig B, Calas-Blanchard C (2020) The importance of household pharmaceutical products disposal and its risk management: Example from Southwestern Europe. Waste Manage 104:139-147
Lozano C, Matallana-Surget S, Givens J, Nouet S, Arbuckle L, Lambert Z, Lebaron P (2020) Toxicity of UV filters on marine bacteria: Combined effects with damaging solar radiation. Sci Total Environ 722
Lozano C, Givens J, Stien D, Matallana-Surget S, Lebaron P (2020) Bioaccumulation and Toxicological Effects of UV-Filters on Marine Species. In: Tovar-Sánchez A, Sánchez-Quiles D, Blasco J (eds) Sunscreens in Coastal Ecosystems: Occurrence, Behavior, Effect and Risk. Springer International Publishing, Cham, p 85-130
Ma Y, Bao Y, Zhang W, Ying X, Stien D (2020) Four lignans from Portulaca oleracea L. and its antioxidant activities. Nat Prod Res 34:2276-2282
Marcellin-Gros R, Piganeau G, Stien D (2020) Metabolomic Insights into Marine Phytoplankton Diversity. Mar. Drugs 18
Ouedraogo DY, Sordello R, Brugneaux S, Burga K, Calvayrac C, Castelin M, Domart-Coulon I, Ferrier-Pages C, Guillaume MMM, Hedouin L, Joannot P, Perceval O, Reyjol Y (2020) What evidence exists on the impacts of chemicals arising from human activity on tropical reef-building corals? A systematic map protocol. Environ Evid 9
Peyrat LA, Eparvier V, Eydoux C, Guillemot JC, Litaudon M, Stien D (2020) Carneic Acids from an Endophytic Phomopsis sp. as Dengue Virus Polymerase Inhibitors. J Nat Prod
Reverter M, Sasal P, Suzuki MT, Raviglione D, Inguimbert N, Pare A, Banaigs B, Voisin SN, Bulet P, Tapissier-Bontemps N (2020) Insights into the Natural Defenses of a Coral Reef Fish Against Gill Ectoparasites: Integrated Metabolome and Microbiome Approach. Metabolites 10:18
Roux N, Lami R, Salis P, Magre K, Romans P, Masanet P, Lecchini D, Laudet V (2019) Sea anemone and clownfish microbiota diversity and variation during the initial steps of symbiosis. Sci Rep 9
Ruiz-Rodríguez M, Scheifler M, Sanchez-Brosseau S, Magnanou E, West N, Suzuki M, Duperron S, Desdevises Y (2020) Host Species and Body Site Explain the Variation in the Microbiota Associated to Wild Sympatric Mediterranean Teleost Fishes. Microb Ecol
Sorres J, André A, Elslande EV, Stien D, Eparvier V (2020) Potent and Non-Cytotoxic Antibacterial Compounds Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Psiloxylon mauritianum, A Medicinal Plant from Reunion Island. Molecules 25
Stien D (2020) Marine Microbial Diversity as a Source of Bioactive Natural Products. Mar. Drugs 18
Stien D, Suzuki M, Rodrigues AMS, Yvin M, Clergeaud F, Thorel E, Lebaron P (2020) A unique approach to monitor stress in coral exposed to emerging pollutants. Sci Rep 10:9601
Thiour-Mauprivez C, Devers-Lamrani M, Mounier A, Beguet J, Spor A, Calvayrac C, Barthelmebs L, Martin-Laurent F (2020) Design of a degenerate primer pair to target a bacterial functional community: The hppd bacterial gene coding for the enzyme targeted by herbicides, a study case. J Microbiol Methods 170:105839
Thorel E, Clergeaud F, Jaugeon L, Rodrigues AMS, Lucas J, Stien D, Lebaron P (2020) Effect of 10 UV Filters on the Brine Shrimp. Toxics 8
Tourneroche A, Lami R, Burgaud G, Domart-Coulon I, Li W, Gachon C, Geze M, Boeuf D, Prado S (2020) The Bacterial and Fungal Microbiota of Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae). Front Mar Sci 7:14
Ying ZM, Ying XX, Yang GL, Stien D (2020) The first tripyrrolic chlorophyll catabolites isolated from Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. var. major brown leaves. Phytochemistry Letters 35:197-199
Vallet M, Chong Y-M, Tourneroche A, Genta-Jouve G, Hubas C, Lami R, Gachon CMM, Klochkova T, Chan K-G, Prado S (2020) Novel α-Hydroxy γ-Butenolides of Kelp Endophytes Disrupt Bacterial Cell-to-Cell Signaling. Front Mar Sci 7
Personnel previously at the LBBM
Badea M, Hayat A, Marty JL (2020) Immobilization of Enzymes on Magnetic Beads Through Affinity Interactions. Methods Mol Biol 2100:189-198
Blasques RV, Pereira MAA, Mendes A, Mendes NE, Gomes WC, Arenas LT, Marty JL, Gurgo MIP, Nunes GS, Villis PCM (2020) Synthesis and characterization of a new ceramic nanomaterial SiO2/NPsSm(2)O(3)/C-graphite for the development of electrochemical sensors. Mater Chem Phys 243
Fapyane D, Berillo D, Marty JL, Revsbech NP (2020) Urea Biosensor Based on a CO2 Microsensor. ACS Omega 5:27582-27590
Majdinasab M, Mishra RK, Tang XQ, Marty JL (2020) Detection of antibiotics in food: New achievements in the development of biosensors. Trac-Trends in Anal Chem 127:17
Sassolas A, Hayat A, Marty JL (2020) Immobilization of Enzymes on Magnetic Beads Through Affinity Interactions. Methods Mol Biol 2100:189-198
Sharma A, Tiwari S, Deb MK, Marty JL (2020) Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2): a global pandemic and treatment strategies. Int J Antimicrob Agents 56:106054