Marcelino Suzuki

Dr Suzuki is from Brazil, where he obtained a degree in Oceanography from the Universidade do Rio Grande. He then finished a Master and PhD in Oceanography at Oregon State University under the co-supervision of Drs. Ev and Barry Sherr and Steve Giovannoni working on protist bacterivory and its effects on bacterioplankton community structure. Next he worked at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research institute under the supervision of Dr. Ed DeLong on topics including the analysis of bacterioplankton diversity and phylogeny, the development of real-time PCR for genes and mRNAs, and bacterioplankton metagenomics, and the biology of photoheterotrophs in the Ocean. Dr Suzuki was then an Assistant Professor at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory where he led research on the diversity, phylogeny and activity of, bacterioplankton, measurements of gene expression by these organisms, biology and genomics of photoheterotrophs, and microbial processes leading to methylmercury production by bacteria.
At the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls since May 2009, Dr Suzuki is now a Professor of Sorbonne Université and the director of the Microbial Biodiversity and Laboratory (LBBM), and Scientific Advisor for the Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnology (bio2mar) platform of the OOB. He has le research on the biology of photoheterotrophs in the Ocean though the project ANR-RHOMEO, and the quest for new anticancer molecules from bacteria associated with marine lichens in the project ANR-MALICA . His main interests are chemical interactions between microbes and macro-organism and microbial biotechnology. He participates in 3 master programs (Ecophysiologie Ecotoxicolgie, EPET, Microbiologie Environment Santé, MES, and Biologie et Bioresources Marine BBMa), where he is responsible for a graduate course in in Monitoring the Quality of the Marine Environment). He is also member of the council of the Doctoral School 227 "Sciences de la nature et de l'Homme : évolution et écologie" allying Sorbonne University - Sciences and the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
Dr Suzuki is author of >65 peer reviewed publications, a member of the editorial board of Frontiers in Microbiology and Peer Journal, and has been a panelist for several programs from different research supporting agencies in the United States and Europe.
His resumé can be found in short (74 KB) and long (6 MB) formats.
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Phone : +33 (0)4 30192401