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Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Biotechnologies Microbiennes
LBBM - USR3579

A new research theme in the LBBM

We are happy to annouce the start of a new research theme on the Evolutionary and Environmental Genomics of Phytoplankton http://tinyurl.com/5x6886kr in the LBBM, with the move of the Genophy team to our Laboratory.

The personnel includes four CNRS researchers: Gwenael Piganeau @GwenaelPG, Marc Krasovec @KrasovecMarc, Sheree Yau @sheeyau and David Demory @D2mory ; one emeritus researcher : Nigel Grimsley; two faculty : Gilles Mirambeau @GilMirambeau and Sophie Sanchez-Brosseau

One MSCA post doc : David Lopez-Escardo; four PhD students : Lisa Metttrop, Claire Bugnot, Gaokang Liu, Emmanuelle Jaouen and three contractual personnel : Anaïs Labecot, Yanis Guérinel and Thomas Anicet also join our unit

We welcome the new staff and we look forward an exciting new collaboration for many years to come!


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